Why Your Business Needs a Great ‘About Page’

marketing-your-website-about-pageThe business world has always been an intensely competitive market. Now, as businesses take their marketing online, it’s grown more competitive than ever. Fortunately, the smart, savvy business owner can stay one step ahead of the game, by making the right moves and taking the proper steps. What are those proper steps, you ask? Things like building a strong, visible web presence, engaging with customers, and promoting your outstanding brand, products, and services.

Are you looking to grow your business? If you’re a small business owner, of course you are. Creating a thriving business and gaining a successful edge certainly takes hard work, dedication, and know-how. A careful business owner knows you can’t miss a step when it comes to building your business.

Once you’ve built a stunning website with flawless design and customer-friendly functionality, you need to ensure your content is up to snuff. Relatable, engaging, concise, and informative are just some of the elements which comprise good website content, and good content is KEY when it comes to connecting with customers and performing well with SEO.

Every page of your business website needs to be optimised for search engines, but also contain well-written copy that provides real value to your existing and potential customers. Your site will have a home page, contact page, as well as several pages outlining your products and services. One vital page not to be missed, however, is your company’s ‘About’ page, often given a title like “About Us”, “Meet the Team”, or “Who We Are.” Your About page is a window into who your company is, and can be instrumental in helping to grow your business. Whether you’re tackling the writing yourself or leaving the content in the hands of SEO copywriting experts, let’s take a look at why your business needs an awesome About page.

A great About page gives a face to your brand

It’s fabulous to have a stellar brand that customers are excited about. But who is behind the brand? The About page is your chance to introduce who you are to your customers. You can do this in a variety of ways, and approach it from countless different angles. As the content is created for your website, you’ll want to have a clear picture of the overall tone you hope to purvey throughout the site. How do you want your business to be perceived? Do you want to sound friendly? Casual? Authoritative? In discussion with your content strategist, you can develop the right kind of tone to be incorporated. This will extend throughout the site, but may become most apparent in the About page. This page is also an opportunity to be a little more forward and outgoing with your content.
The majority of businesses choose to incorporate photos into their site, particularly if including staff bios. Staff bios are a great way to introduce a large team, and can work especially well for doctor’s offices, legal practices, and other businesses where clients tend to work one-on-one with members of staff. Using photos on your About page is a very simple way to literally “give a face to your business.”

People are important: especially in a small business

Your About page should highlight what is important or special about your business, ensuring that you leave a memorable impression, and the right kind of impression for your business. For instance, a family owned business which spans generations should choose to highlight the family history and influence. Including retro photos of the business in its early days, as well as showcasing the growing family at different stages could be very effective. Customers love a business with a real, genuine story, and there is a certain security and comfort in working with a family-run, long-standing business.

No matter what type of business you operate, a strong About page can be a real asset to your website. The importance of people in the business market can’t be overstated. Taking the time to be personal and open in your About page creates loyalty and trustworthiness, two vital elements you really want from your customers. Your About page shows your customers that you are a successful, reliable small business–not a faceless corporation.

It’s okay to show off.

One major benefit of an About page is that this is the place you can feel free to “brag” about your company’s achievements. You can showcase your employee’s talents, highlight specialised training, and share your glowing reputation. Many businesses use the About page as an opportunity to include positive client reviews or even provide a link to a portfolio of work. For more tangible services and products like landscaping or signwriting, a portfolio is a wonderful way to give potential customers a stunning visual representation of what you do best. Another option is to add logos or icons to your page, displaying notable clients you’ve worked with or projects you’ve completed. On our Webics About page, we’ve done just that: including the names and logos of some of our satisfied client businesses. For your future customers, an indication of your past work can give your business a real sense of history and credibility.

Your About page invites people to get to know your company and your brand.

Though you are a successful company offering products or services, at the end of the day, you are about so much more than that. A well-written About page is an extra opportunity for your business to share who you are with the world–beyond what you “do.” Many companies take advantage of the About page to share a bit of their values and engage more deeply with their customers. Perhaps your business is highly involved in charitable giving or other organisations in your community. Don’t be afraid to include those here and let your customers see you are more than just your brand.

However you choose to approach your website’s About page, make sure you don’t rush or overlook the content. You want your About page to tell a story, connect with customers, and provide an outstanding impression of who you are. At the end of the day, this forthrightness and attention to detail are one of the small ways you can continue to gain customers and remain ahead of the competition.


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