Want to write horrible blog posts and drive even the most loyal subscribers to un-subscribe and/or stop doing business with you? We have compiled a three step guide that you can follow to turn this dream into a reality.
Step #1 – Shamelessly Plug Your Business
Your subscribers became subscribers in the first place, because they were interested in reading your genuinely informative blog posts and learning all sorts of new things from the industry experts. So, removing 90% of the helpful content and replacing it with a hard sales pitch is the first step to making them wish they could turn back time and never subscribe.
Step #2 – Adapt The KIACAPAMRFS Principle
There is a well known concept called the KISS principle. KISS is an acronym for “Keep it simple, stupid” and has been implemented well, time and time again by successful bloggers. To really drive those readers of yours away from your blog, you are going to have to shift your ideals and use the KIACAPAMRFS principle instead. KIACAPAMRFS is an acronym for “Keep is as complex as possible and make readers feel stupid.”
Imagine opening a book about a topic you were excited about, but not overly familiar with. When you open this book, all that you see is industry and tech jargon which is as good as Chinese to you. Unless you happen to be Chinese, you would close the book and probably never open it again. If you can successfully replicate this reader experience online, you have mastered the KIACAPAMRFS principle and the art of pushing potential customers into the loving arms of the competition.
Step #3 – Write Without Purpose
You know those days when you don’t quite understand why you are here on this lonely planet and what it is all about? If you are successfully writing without purpose, your posts should be giving off that same depressing vibe and be doing a killer job of diminishing your list of blog subscribers. Generally one of the easiest ways to write without purpose is to begin writing your post with a goal of churning out a lot of words before you have thought about the topic or structure.
Did We Miss Something?
We have seen countless blogs fail perfectly by following these three simple steps. However, there is an almost endless list of strategies you can implement to ensure your readers will bounce fast and never return. Let us know in the comment section below.