If you’ve ever been locked out of your Facebook Business Page, you’ll know how frustrating it is trying to regain access. Unfortunately, it happens fairly frequently, and more often than not, access can never be regained. The most common reasons for losing access to a Facebook Page include:
- The staff member who set up the account leaves the business
- Forgotten email or password
- A fake or secondary profile that has been shut down by Facebook
To avoid the hassle of trying to recover your Business Facebook Page, follow these preventative steps.
Rule #1 Always Have More Than One Admin
If your Business Facebook Page only has one admin, you risk losing your page along with the audience that goes with it.
To create a Facebook Business Page, you need a personal Facebook Profile, one that uses your real name and details (fake profiles will get you nowhere). The person who creates your Facebook Business Page becomes the first admin and in many cases, remains the only admin. If that person then leaves your organisation or deletes their personal Facebook account, you lose access to your business page.
You wouldn’t just have one key to your car or your house, so make sure your Facebook Business page has multiple admins. It’s quick and easy to do through the Settings tab.

Any existing admin can add another admin as long as the new admin has a personal Facebook account. If you are not Facebook friends with the new admin, you will need the email address associated with the new admin’s Facebook account.
Rule #2 Only Add Trusted Staff As Administrators
Whether you already have an established Facebook Business Page or a starting new one, make sure the owner of the business (or a senior person in the company) has full administrative access. Even if they never use it, this is the best way to ensure you don’t lose access to your page.
Only give trusted staff full admin access. Admins are able to remove other admins from the page at any time, so it is wise to review who has access regularly. You can assign other employees roles such as editor and moderator through Facebook Business Manager.
Find out more about the different Facebook page roles and what they do.
Rule #3 Pay Attention To Facebook’s Community Standards
Facebook has an extensive list of Community Standards that all users must abide by. They are designed to keep users safe and ensure different opinions can be expressed freely.
The full document is over 8,500 words, so we suggest you read this summary. If you don’t play by the rules, you may find your account is blocked, so it’s worth checking for updates every few months.
How To Recover A Business Facebook Page
Your best chance of recovering your Business Facebook Page is through the Facebook Profile attached to it. Even if you can’t remember the password of the account, if you know (or can guess), the email address used to create the profile (and you still have access to that email address), you can follow the Forgotten password link to receive a code which will allow you to log back into your Facebook Profile. This will also work if you know the mobile phone number attached to the account.
If your Facebook Profile has been deemed fake and disabled by Facebook, you will need to provide Facebook with identification to verify your account.
If you can’t regain access to the Facebook Profile attached to your business page, you’ve probably lost it for good along with all the hours spent creating content and building your audience. Don’t let it happen to you!