good SEO

Is SEO Dead?

It’s a social world. Digital media is the wave of the future and businesses are capitalising on that fact more than ever. From video to influencer marketing to Facebook campaigns, there is a lot of power in social media. One might even start to wonder if SEO matters as much as it once did.

Some marketers might claim that “SEO is dead” but their reasoning is only designed to support their business aims. In truth, while social media is a very important part of a well-rounded strategy, SEO is just as vital as ever, and may continue to grow even more important in the future. Is SEO dead? Not at all. Read on to see why your business needs to keep focusing on SEO.

There’s Longevity in SEO

While social media can have an intense, more immediate impact, SEO is a long game. This is a benefit for a business. When you successfully optimise your website for search engines, the work put in extends out as an ever-growing web. The backlinks you obtain, the proper internal linking structure you maintain, and the more you hone your website’s speed and user experience, the better your SEO becomes over time. This means that you’ll show up higher and higher in users’ results for your keywords, resulting in more business and better web traffic.

While social media can certainly drive traffic to your website, you must continue posting and creating content to find your social media groove. Conversely, SEO, while it needs to be tweaked now and again, follows more of a “set it and forget it” mentality, driving you traffic long after the initial work has been done. Not only that, but social media platforms have a greater potential of losing traction, or even disappearing altogether. Your website is your online real estate that isn’t going anywhere. Ultimately, getting customers to your site is more important than growing your social media followers and SEO is the stronger candidate for this task. The lasting value of SEO can’t be denied.

Search is Integral in the Buying Process

There’s power in SEO that relates to the customer buying process. While your customer may come across one of your social media updates (especially if they’re already a fan), what are the chances that you will catch them when they are in the buying mindset? In truth, the chances are slim. The right kind of SEO, however, meets the needs of the customer who is actively searching to buy. This person may be seeking out your type of business or looking to select a certain product. Understanding this, you can use your SEO to target the exact keywords your customer will be using in their web search. This is far more effective when it comes to converting your leads.

Thinking that search won’t be around forever? Think again. Statistics show that more than 6 billion searches are made online daily, and the numbers are only growing. You need to be getting on the SEO train if you hope to get the maximum results from your digital efforts.

Investing in Good SEO

That same source of statistics demonstrates the value of SEO itself, but also showcases how vital it is to strive for the front page of results. The first three positions in search receive by far the highest click through rate, with those below missing out significantly. If you’re showing up on page two, you may as well forget about traffic. While this can feel discouraging, it should merely serve as an impetus for you to focus on developing SEO with a highly targeted approach.

SEO is competitive, and to make it work for you, you need a pro strategy designed for your business. This is where Webics can help. Don’t let your SEO attempts go to waste. Let us bring you the traffic you’re after.



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