Everyone has a blog these days, but a stale boring blog that doesn’t contain interesting articles isn’t going to get you visitors, backlinks or assist you in your search engine optimisation strategy.
As a business owner we know that you are great at what you do and that you have your website as a portal to get potential clients to buy from you.
As an industry professional you know what your industry offers and know how to relay your products and services to your clients effectively, however when it comes to writing on your blog do you know how to write about your industry in an engaging and interesting format?
Industry expert bloggers are the ideal way to access a new audience of followers, to bring new traffic to your website by writing engaging articles and posts and keep relevant content on your blog.
They should never be a direct competitor of yours, however your guest blogger should be an industry expert could be someone who is already well known for writing captivating articles for your industry and someone who already has a following blog audience.
Guest bloggers who are industry professionals are the ideal way to keep your blog full of fresh content, gain more traffic from their readers as well as social traffic from links on social media and a new audience that might not have found your blog previously.
How do you go about “recruiting” your expert to write for your blog?
Subscribe to and keep in touch with your industry related blogs and get searching for an expert industry blogger who you can approach to blog for you, because they could be the key to your online digital strategy.