How to Tell a Reputable Web Marketing Agency from a Fishy “SEO Company”


If you’re in business in this day and age, you probably know the pandemonium that surrounds SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation. Well, there’s a reason behind it: SEO is vital for ensuring your business or organisation can be easily found online by your potential customers. Now, good SEO is not just recommended, it is an essential part of any business and marketing strategy. Without a solid web presence, your business will no longer reach its full potential.

Now that the majority of business owners understand the importance of SEO, it seems that “SEO Companies” are springing up overnight. Some of these are legitimate marketing organisations, but many others are not. But, how do you tell the difference? When it comes to such a significant part of your marketing strategy, you can’t afford to leave it up to chance.

Here’s what to look for to determine that the web marketing agency you’re considering is legit.

They Can Explain Their Services

SEO is certainly complex, but companies that “can’t” or “won’t” explain precisely what they are doing for your business may not be trustworthy. The best professionals are transparent. Though they possess the unique skills and knowledge to further your business’ online marketing strategy, they will happily share the hows, whys, and whats of their methods. This is a better practice for everyone, and gives credibility to your potential web marketing agency.

They Don’t Offer Instant Results

“We’ll get you to page one of Google in 2 weeks!”

Sure, this offer is tantalising, but is it realistic? True SEO experts will tell you that no, it is not. Good SEO is a process. With the right tactics and approach (and especially the right search terms), a marketing agency can get you amazing results. But these don’t happen overnight. If an SEO company makes promises that seem too good to be true, they probably are.

They Don’t Show Metrics

Much like the fishy SEO company that cannot explain their methods and processes, it’s wise to steer away from one that won’t back up their efforts through clear analytics. An authentic web marketing agency will provide statistics and data on a regular basis, so that you as the business owner can easily track what’s going on with your business and your marketing strategy. Without metrics, you’re left in the dark about whether or not your “SEO Company” is truly generating real results for you. It also may indicate that the company is using shady SEO tactics that will actually hurt your web presence in the long run.

Their Primary Focus is on Backlinks

Sometimes, SEO companies promise you an abundance of links throughout the web. They insist that they will create entries for you in numerous directories and get strong links to your site from other websites. This sounds appealing, but in reality, such a practice generally does more harm than good. Backlinks are only really effective if they come from highly-credible sources. And Google’s search algorithms frown upon an overload of backlinks from sketchy or weak sources. The conclusion? A genuine web marketing agency will hedge your bets, and employ a variety of good SEO practices across the board. This will bring you the most success in the long run, and has your best interests at heart.

Have you been scammed by a not-so-reputable “SEO Company?” Why not come over to the other side? Our team at Webics is ready to help your online marketing efforts turn into customers, leads, sales, and success. Contact us today for more details.


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