
On Cloud Nine – Reasons Why We Love Cloud!

1) Fast… Like a Jet Cloud:

Imagine near magical powers available at your fingertips – the power to move at lightning speed and fly through major obstacles in the blink of an eye… a cloud of your own to get you where you need to be… it’s hardly a new concept, the ‘Jet Cloud” of Monkey Magic fame shares much in common with cloud computing.

Massive storage power at your fingertips and the computing speed to turn major tasks in to minor trivia has tech providers everywhere whistling up a storm.


2) All in one place.. Enter the Thunder Cloud:

Lightning speed and fast moving – the power of being able to store and access everything you need, anywhere and at anytime.

The lightning cloud or thunder cloud from Mario Bros is in sync with cloud software because it allows you to put all of your important documents into one space and use them whenever you need to.

3) Packed with Power..

Cloud Strife an elite operating unit, a leader and can adapt to his surroundings with ease and grace. Much like cloud computing, cloud strife is a powerful force that can adapt and grow.

Cloud is a dynamic web based system able to hold more power than other software.


4) Off Site Storage

Cloud City, suspended high among the pastel clouds a floating metropolis, a place to escape the turmoil gripping the galaxy.

We have all felt like this when using purchased software that fails, turmoilous, frustrated and at a complete loss. Cloud Computing has an offsite storage facility, giving you a safe “back up” to all of your files for easy retrieval and use.


When considering your next software service provider consider using a cloud base, Cloud software is cirrus business!


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